Sunday, June 27, 2010

I don't even remember...

how to blog!!! So what could one family be doing that would require so many weeks without blogging! Here's a small taste:

Showering this pretty bride to be

I loved, loved, loved planning this for my sister, what a great evening!

Celebrating Mother's Day with five of THE most incredible, adorable children!!!

Enjoying family time outside in the warm Spring weather!

Attending Cooper and Finley's Spring Montessori program. Cooper had one of the lead roles, playing none other than George Harrison, but my pictures didn't turn out well at all! It was a riot to watch and made even more interesting by our Campbell Kate peeing all over the floor and her soon to be Uncle Kain's foot. This picture in the auditorium, pre pee incident will have to do!

And then there were a couple of weeks of end of school excitement not to mention I lost a week of my life birthing two kidney stones (it really does feel like stalagmites are navigating your urinary tract system and Yes, it's worse than childbirth!)! So much going on, that the camera didn't even make it out of its case! And then it was on to more wedding preparation and fun!

Girls night out for cute toes and yummy dinner! Here's Katie enjoying her pampering:

I love getting my toes done, can you tell?

I also love my mom

and my cute sister-in-law Meg

and then there's eating at Brio, I love that too!!!!

Debbie (Kain's mom), Mom, Mandy (Katie's friend from Charlotte), Katie, Me and Meg

We had to practice walking down the aisle and dressing up

and holding hands with our brother!

The big day, fun with cousins

party dresses

and time with LOVED ones!

And when I have a picture of the bride and groom together (they looked amazing!!!) I will post it. I clearly wasn't in charge of our personal camera that day because somehow they didn't make it on there together! I also didn't get any picture with my in-laws while we were all dressed up and this shot of Todd and me was taken at the end of all the festivities in between cleaning up, lassoing children and loading cars!

Our man Finley has been busy growing so he can now do this:

We went Go Kart riding, and putt putting for Father's day and he did an awesome job!

Guess who's not 4 years old and 40" tall, a sad, sad reality for this squirpy baby girl!

Thankfully, there were no size requirement for swimming lessons!

And that made us mostly happy?

We are very, very proud of our five little fish

and all that they are doing and learning!
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