Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

I've tried to track down all of our old Christmas cards. Where I couldn't find the cards, I at least tried to find the pictures. I have no idea if 2005 is correct. For some reason I CAN'T remember, nor Todd, nor Aunt Kiki which picture we used that year! I pray that your hearts are open to the true meaning behind this joyous holiday and have a healthy, blessed Christmas!


(this is what was printed on the back of our picture postcard this year)

The 12 Squirpy Days of Christmas

12 toys need picked up
11 loads of laundry
10 stinky sneakers
9 seats on our car
8 glasses of milk
7 days to be thankful
6 beds to make
5 amazing kids
4 hungry boys
3 bottoms need wiping
2 tired parents
makes for ONE BLESSED family!!!












Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tis The Season for catching up, getting older and celebrating all things Christmas!!!!!

We are still here, still squirpy as ever...just so, so busy. Tomorrow we will celebrate our Tucker's 7th birthday. How is that even possible? In fact I asked Todd to do some birthday present wrapping so I could finally sit down and blog. Here are some pics of our birthday boy.

This was taken over Thanksgiving in Asheville...I could write an entire blog post on the adventures of Christmas card picture taking through the years!!! This one didn't make the cut but it's endearing (and it was taken right before Campbell decided she was finished with picture taking):


Happy Birthday Tucker Fox!!! You are awesome, amazing, brilliant, challenging, helpful, busy, hungry, head-strong, incredible and God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us the gift of YOU!

I have a month full of thoughts and pictures to share but tonight I'm taking my headache to bed. However, I'm hoping for a few more blogging moments now that Christmas break is upon us...famous last words I'm sure!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I don't even know where to begin!

Where does the time go? We have had a few bouts of illness and mountains of leaves to rake, trick or treating to do (minus our sick Finley), candy to eat and beautiful weather to enjoy! The boys are already talking about our annual trip to Asheville, NC for Thanksgiving and they have been getting their Christmas lists ready, which really means after every commercial they catch they then run and put whatever it was on their list.

We just got Jack and Tucker's report cards this week and they were both excellent! Cooper and Finley are loving Montessori and Campbell has had a language explosion. This is a good thing and a bad thing. She is now repeating words, she especially loves playing this game with Tucker, but I'm wondering how long it's going to take for the boys to realize they can get her to say something naughty!

I have lots of pictures to share!

Here is a picture of our chicken:

and our mummy:

A fabulous picture of Finley in some of our many leaves:

Grandma brought CK a new "Melmo" potty tonight and here is a shot of it being put to good use:

Today was an absolutely gorgeous Fall day and we decided to take advantage of what will probably be the last of Indian Summer and go hiking at Mohican. Our trip was cut a little short by a Jackson migraine but we had a great time and ended our evening with grilling out and some sweet family time.

As if his bad headache wasn't enough, Jackson than ran his nose into a steel swing post!

Mmmmm snack time:

Todd, Tuck, Coop and Finn all climbed the fire tower (it's 80 feet tall!!!!):

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just in case you were wondering...

how potty training was going...

and what happens when Tucker gets a hold of the camera...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

On This Cool Fall Afternoon We Were A...








Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"So Fast" and other Fall adventures

I know it all too well but it seems a little harder to swallow this time since I know she's always going to be the "baby". No one to follow behind her to keep to feelings fresh. Campbell Kate is growing up so fast! Her little early intervention class is certainly serving it's purpose and she is starting add more words to her, dog, Kiki, no, eat, all done, up, no, no, no. I know, I know, she wouldn't be a proper toddler if that one wasn't her favorite.

She is also starting to show signs that she is either a) ready to start potty training or b) trying to push me over the edge by teasing me about being ready to potty train. She did have one day when she refused to leave her diaper on and peed on the potty twice on her own. And then there was last night when she refused to leave her diaper on but mostly just wanted to be naked while carrying the potty around.

We've had a super busy month! And seriously, how did it get to be October already!!!!? One misty, foggy morning we went apple picking:

Todd's parents came into town for a long weekend. Here is a picture from out trip to Schmidt's. My sister Katie and her boyfriend Kain joined us.

Here are a couple more:

We celebrated Todd's birthday with a little cake:

My gift to him (ok, it certainly served as a treat for me too) was a weekend sans kiddos to Chicago. We went about three years ago for the wedding of our friends M and A and had such a wonderful time! I have wanted to go back ever since and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. We stayed with M and A and tacked a few more tourist activities onto our list but two nights just didn't feel like enough. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

All possible of course thanks to my seester who graciously took over the child minding while I was indulging in quality, alone time with Todd, the company of wonderful friends, gourmet hot chocolate and Michigan Avenue!!!!

She's the best!
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