Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's like riding a bike...

blogging that is! At least that's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping that I will jump back in here and remember exactly how it was that I made time for this!

Here's my inspiration for today. As you can imagine in our house there are lots of discussions about anatomy and puberty (If you were at my house in the morning you would hear pretty much everyday, "Please shut the door I am NAKED and I want some privacy!!!). You know, like what happens when you're a teenager, say about age 15? After dinner Tucker announced, "Mom, when I am fifteen I'm going to show you my hairy bottom on your birthday!"!!! I mean really, what am I supposed to say to about that delightful gift that is to bestowed in my future? The conversation deteriorated from there... Nothing like hairy bottom after dinner jokes six year old style!

All of our little peeps are enjoying school. Tomorrow morning I will put my little baby on the bus for the first time. I have been driving her the first couple of weeks and while it's a little heartbreaking to send her off, it will ease up the chaos that has become my noon hour!

Here she is walking into school her first day, bus pictures will eventually follow:

Here's the crew:

And just because:

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