Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"So Fast" and other Fall adventures

I know it all too well but it seems a little harder to swallow this time since I know she's always going to be the "baby". No one to follow behind her to keep to feelings fresh. Campbell Kate is growing up so fast! Her little early intervention class is certainly serving it's purpose and she is starting add more words to her vocabulary...no, dog, Kiki, no, eat, all done, up, no, no, no. I know, I know, she wouldn't be a proper toddler if that one wasn't her favorite.

She is also starting to show signs that she is either a) ready to start potty training or b) trying to push me over the edge by teasing me about being ready to potty train. She did have one day when she refused to leave her diaper on and peed on the potty twice on her own. And then there was last night when she refused to leave her diaper on but mostly just wanted to be naked while carrying the potty around.

We've had a super busy month! And seriously, how did it get to be October already!!!!? One misty, foggy morning we went apple picking:

Todd's parents came into town for a long weekend. Here is a picture from out trip to Schmidt's. My sister Katie and her boyfriend Kain joined us.

Here are a couple more:

We celebrated Todd's birthday with a little cake:

My gift to him (ok, it certainly served as a treat for me too) was a weekend sans kiddos to Chicago. We went about three years ago for the wedding of our friends M and A and had such a wonderful time! I have wanted to go back ever since and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. We stayed with M and A and tacked a few more tourist activities onto our list but two nights just didn't feel like enough. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

All possible of course thanks to my seester who graciously took over the child minding while I was indulging in quality, alone time with Todd, the company of wonderful friends, gourmet hot chocolate and Michigan Avenue!!!!

She's the best!

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