Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lovin' for Eleven

Ah, where to start? There's so much I could share...13 years ago this August Todd and I met. Before I was a mommy I was a nanny and I went with my nanny "family" on vacation to Hilton Head. Todd was working there constructing the Cross Island Parkway and one night after he and his friends were done working they went to eat at the Huddle House. The same night after my nanny friend "T" and I had been out and about sampling the island night life we got the late night munchies and went to the same Huddle House. After our 2AM egg sandwiches were devoured "T" and I got an invitation to make-out on the beach dinner the next night. There's lots of details here that I could share but you would be reading until next week. I was a couple of weeks into the ripe old age of 19 and meeting my husband was probably the furthest thing from my mind...I'm thinking my aspirations for the vacay were working on my tan and hanging out with small children. "T" went back home with her nanny family after a couple of days and Todd and I hung out a few more times while I was there but I don't think either of us took it all that seriously. I've been known to say that those couple of weeks would look like a really short, tame teen Summer romance novel. And then I went home.

In October that year Todd tracked down my number and called and invited me to be his date for his brother's wedding. It's hard for me to remember exactly how all this felt but surprised probably covers it. He didn't seem all that creepy to me so I went. I remember thinking that he was extremely chivalrous and very respectful towards his parents. We had a fun time and because we had relatively similar family lives and expectations it wasn't painfully uncomfortable to spend the weekend with some random guys family. And then I went home.

Still, I wasn't thinking marriage or long-term. The next several months were spent chatting on the phone and it was pretty sporadic. Lot's of times if I would call Todd would be sleeping or working and I honestly didn't think he was all that interested. Fast forward to April and "T" and I are on our way back to the island for Spring Break. We dug the free accommodations on our nanny sized budgets and had a great time! "T" and Todd's roommate Rob didn't end up being destined for love but Todd and I took advantage of the opportunity to make out get to know each other better. I mean at this point we lived 700 miles apart so we needed to figure out if "we" were worth pursuing. We agreed that "we" were worth it. And then I went home.

Being young and fearless and ready for a change, three months later (August 1997) I took a new nanny job and moved to Charlotte to be closer to Todd...about 500 miles closer. NOW I'm thinking long-term and marriage! Todd proposed in March 1998 while we staying at my parent's house for the wedding of great friends. Then we went home.

JULY 11, 1998!!!!

I adore this picture of Todd and my dad (1945-2002)!

Now I could spill all kinds of mush here about how blissful the past 11 years have been but you know that isn't the case. Marriage is hard work, it doesn't always look pretty and there are lots of days "bliss" isn't in the picture. What I can say is that after 11 years of being married to Todd...I would do it all over again, in a heartbeat. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life anywhere but right next to him. We have experienced far more hurt, happiness, heartache, joy, forgiveness, elation, love...births than we could have ever imagined and we are so thankful for God's protection and presence in our marriage. It wouldn't be the fabulous union it is if we didn't hold tightly to the belief that before our covenant with each other as husband and wife comes our covenant with God to be the husband and wife he desires us to be...

Happy 11Th anniversary rock!

1 comment:

  1. guys are so cute! Your pics are so fun! You are such a blessing and example. Love you guys!


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