Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Meeting House

I'm sitting here utterly exhausted but delighted that I've spent the past day and a half enjoying the company of dear friends (I love an incentive to do a bit of cleaning and catch up on the laundry). Last night we hosted our small group and this morning I had some girlfriends over for brunch. I've had no fewer than 25 bodies pass through my doors in the past day and I love it! However, that means that the camera has been sitting on the counter and not being used by this tired momma. No pics today...sorry. Saturday is our 11th anniversary so watch for a special post this's sure to have pictures!

And I just can't pass this up. Finley walked into my room the other morning when I was going through old pics. I was gazing at one of me as a toddler and he looked and said, "Oh, Asher (his two year old cousin) used to be a girl!". I told him that it wasn't a picture of Asher but of me, his mommy. Then he said, "Mommy, you were a girl before AND a womans!!!". It was his facial expression that makes this a treasure like he had just made the greatest discovery...his mommy used to be little just like him! I adore having little babies but getting to know my children as they grow and start to put the pieces of the world together is awesome! Love them!

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