Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday...

MckMama has a new "not me" Monday it!

OK, here it goes...

I have not put off all types of "camping" activities for the past 10 years due to my crazy, irrational utter disgust of mosquitoes only to finally give in and not see a one...not me! Insect bites are not a good reason to avoid outdoorsy fun and prevent small children from making family camp fire memories.

I would never embrace the idea of going low maintenance and not take my hair dryer and concealer on said camping trip...not me! I would also never then take pictures of my "unmade up" self and post them on my blog for the whole world to gawk at...who would do that, definitely not me!

And I would never be the kind of mom who would see her teething toddler tasting rocks and let her have at it. That's dangerous, unsanitary and messy. I would certainly not be more lenient because it was buying some quiet from the little girlie while we packed up. Who would...not me, absolutely not!

Lastly, I would never, ever, sort of let my husband think that I really wanted to help out last night by mowing the grass when I was truly relishing in the thought of an hour and a half of the non-whining, non-fighting rattle of the John Deere! That wouldn't be nice and I would never pretend to take one for the team with ulterior motives...nope, not me!

I do love to help Todd out by mowing and he did do all of the packing and then unloading last night so I honestly did want to pitch in but the break from the chaos was thoroughly enjoyable!

If you want to confess your Not Me! Monday stuff go link up here to join in the fun of being brutally honest and living to tell about it!


  1. I love mowing the lawn. It is my quiet time!

  2. Great blog and precious kiddos! I love their names too!


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