Sunday, July 26, 2009

I have lots and lots to say...

I just don't have time to blog right now! I want to write about what's been going on but we are busy, busy, busy... So this will have to do! I just unloaded both cameras and found this picture of Jackson holding his trophy and assorted goodies at his baseball picnic. I love his smile!!!

My mom has taken Jackson and Tucker on an adventure for several days and although I'm enjoying the extra peace and ease of three, I'm missing my hill rolling, brick climbing boys!

It will be a few more days before I can do a lengthy post... Hope everyone's week gets off to a great start!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday!

I need to share this! On Monday I had to take Cooper and Campbell to Akron Children's. That morning I had dug a napkin full of Sunday School snack from my purse and put it on my arm rest console for our car ride. Cooper told me as I unwrapped the napkin of tasty goodness that those were indeed not cookies, "They're vanilla wifers mom!".

More about this little one and her accessories later...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walker William

I want to just give a little warning here. This is a post that involves lots of sad stuff. It will also be very long. If you want to read it all the way through and you are a crier, grab a tissue and then remember this... While losing a baby is one of those things that simply doesn't ever make sense and often brings an indescribable hurt, we have joy when we talk about our baby Walker. We know that he is with his heavenly father. He went straight from my body into the presence of God. He never knew pain. He never knew heartache. He never experienced a time out! He only knows perfection. As a parents, we couldn't ask for more!

Walker's story begins in October of 2006. Todd and I were making lots of happy changes in our lives...a new beginning if you will. Part of our plan was just "one more baby"!

This was probably my easiest first trimester ever! I had very mild morning sickness, very little bloating and weight gain (yeah, I gain weight my first trimester)...I just felt great. I had an early ultrasound that looked good and they even moved my due date from July 22 to July 18 (hence the date of this post). This pregnancy was a piece of cake until 12 weeks. After waking up from a nap and cuddling with Finley on the couch I started bleeding...a lot! I called Todd and although the details are a little hazy, somehow I made it to the ER and Todd met me. My bleeding was significant enough to make me think that I was having a miscarriage (I had one previously in December 2001) so what I really wanted when we got to the hospital was an ultrasound and pronto. Instead I had lots of other routine type stuff to go through but a couple of hours later we were finally wheeled in to the ultrasound room. And then we saw our baby, flipping around...looking just perfect except that he was sharing space with a huge subchorionic hemorrhage. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! I was told to take it easy and follow up with my OB.

A few days later we went to my OB's office for another ultrasound and again saw our baby looking good! The SCH was extremely large and I could tell by the technician's tone that it was rather serious. She told me to make sure I took it easy and my OB said the same thing at my appointment that day (should I mention here that we had just put our house on the market and I had four little boys running around?). They scheduled another scan for about a week and a half later. On January 17th, expecting nothing but good news, I took my little Tucker into the ultrasound room with me. As soon as she started I knew. My once very active little baby was perfectly still and didn't have a heartbeat. I was right at 14 weeks and he had passed very recently. It was so sad and shocking! I can tell you my thoughts went right to my loving God and like Angie Smith said this in her blog "I think that my Jesus is the same as He was before I walked into this room." as the fatal diagnosis for her baby unfolded, I knew that I would be carried through this heartache and that the rawness of that moment wouldn't last forever.

I held it together until they took Tucker away to play and I had to sit in the exam room waiting for my OB...lots and lots of tears. It took a loooong time for my doctor to come in and he arrived with another OB in the group. Before they could say too much I asked if I could please try and deliver my baby instead of having a d&c. They agreed that I was teetering on the line of it even being an option but that we could try it.

I have to say here that I totally understand that this is not the choice a lot of women make. Nor am I in any position to tell anyone that there is a "right" choice. It's a traumatic enough position to be in and it's really up to you and your medical provider. But I will tell you that as difficult as it was, I don't regret any of what followed!

I don't know if it feels like this for everyone but I remember just aching for my friends and family. Kind of like I carried some responsibility for their mourning. We had announced to the whole world that this baby was coming and now it wasn't. The afternoon we found out we called our pastor and he came over and prayed for us. Then I pretty much holed myself up in my bedroom.

We went to the hospital early the morning of January 19 for a scheduled induction. I'll spare you all of the labor details except these. They started with a cervical tablet (the name escapes me) and I had that for probably 12 hours. Labor was just starting to pick up and then they ran out of that med...there wasn't any in the county nor any within driving distance! Then they used cytotec (which did nothing) until sometime mid-morning the following day. More of the previous drug was delivered and that protocol resumed. Finally, on the evening of January 20 we got to meet our little baby. Yep, 36 hours later! We didn't know if we were having a boy or girl but there wasn't any question once we say him. This was a big concern for has always bothered me that our first miscarried baby doesn't have a name so I wanted it to be obvious. There he was, our Walker William. William was my dad's middle name and I was happy that I finally got to use it! He looked like a perfectly formed 14 week baby. We spent probably a half an hour or so holding him in our hands and taking pictures and then said goodbye. I went home late that night...ahhhh, my own bed!

A local funeral home helps families who've lost babies with arrangements at zero cost. We wanted to bury Walker instead of cremate him and because he was so teeny he got to share the same plot as my dad. I know that lots of people who go through similar experiences want to be surrounded by their family and friends. I just couldn't. All I wanted to do was mourn with Todd and hang out with my beautiful boys.

We were going to have a little service on the 22nd so the day before we took the boys to the funeral home so they could see what Walker looked like. Now, again...not for everyone but we don't regret this either. I forewarned the funeral director that it would be like bulls in a china shop but he was great and very understanding. And now, knowing the squirps, you didn't think we'd escape a blog post without humor did you? Tucker, being Tucker, asked this poor guy how he knew that our baby was a boy and then asked if we could move the blanket so he could see his penis!!! We told him that he'd just have to take our word for it! Oh Tucker!!! He was put in a tiny baby casket that was unnecessarily large but we are so thankful for all that the funeral home did for us. They were a great comfort in that moment!

We had lots of offers from our friends and family to stand with us during the service but what we really wanted was for it to just be Todd and me and our pastor at the graveside. It was just what we needed. We knew that Walker's soul was days before in the presence of our God and that we were simply honoring his precious life and taking care of this tiny body. It was a relief to plant him in the ground and know that we did everything we could have to love on him while he was ours. Peace!

The day that Walker was delivered, January 20, 2007 was also our sweet Finley's first birthday! We kind of think of it as a gift. The day we met Walker was going to be matter when it happened. But now that sad date shares it's significance for a joyful reason too! We didn't get to see Finley awake on his first birthday so the night we buried Walker we celebrated with a little party, just the six of us. Isn't he adorable? He loved his chocolate cake and presents and we needed his smiles. It should really stop surprising me that God meets my every need!!!

We know God has a purpose for Walker's short life. We also understand that we might not know this side of heaven exactly what that purpose is. What Todd and I do know is that God's peace and comfort flow freely! We feel so blessed to have experienced the creation of seven little babies and to have five of them running around our house...really, we do!

This is Walker's grave marker. Isn't it sweet? It was such a process but it was finally set this Spring!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Change is upon us!

Remember this post? I was pretty sure that we were going to send Cooper to Kindergarten this Fall. We went through the screening and signed up for Safety Town. But as more time passes it has become evident that he's just not ready. He's a super reader and challenges his big brothers in math but he also still loves to take big, long naps in the afternoon and be my little guy. So, Montessori it is for one more year. This created a financial quandary because we really wanted to send Finley too. We are super thankful that things are going to work out so they both can go!!!

Campbell is also changing things up a bit. We have oodles of these sassy links. They are her wrist adornment of choice. Lately she is experimenting with color, the layered look and dressing up both wrists. She's a hoot!

And while Cooper is still loving his nap time...this ketchup faced squirp is not! I was so enjoying my afternoons when the three youngest offspring would all sleep at the same time. Not so sure I like this change!

We have also changed our television viewing apparatus! Not really a big deal but we have entered the current decade by giving up on our 27" box TV with bad color! It was OUR anniversary present and as unromantic as that sounds I was all for it. I'm holding out for my birthday anyway!

That right, my age is changing too...

Stay tuned for a very special post coming soon!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Tucker pulled this stunt last night and Todd corrected him and insisted that he get down. I thought is was rather clever so when he did it again this morning I said "Tucker don't move, I'm going to take a picture. Are you OK, can you stay up there for a few more seconds?"... I just keep thinking climbing door frames, hanging out at the very tip top of the play sets and trees, sliding down the banister and other adventuresome activities are only the beginning of what the next umpteen years have to offer with four boys in our home.

We've already had broken bones and stitches...

So what kind of accidents are we going to grow into?

Speaking of growing...I got some hens and chickens and a turtle as an early birthday present from my mom. She thought she was very clever when she told me that my present was going to have babies and that she had to give it a bath in the sink. I love it and it seems to be happy on our front stoop because you know we already have enough growing, drinking, babies and bathing INSIDE our house.

And this is growing too. I dug this up when we moved a little more than two years ago, it's brother died and this was only a teeny seedling so I'm pretty proud with my brown thumbs and all. It's supposed to "red" but hot pink will do. The problem is that I have two really cute round hydrangea plants in my side bed but they don't have any blooms and then this...

is growing into a giant hydrangea tree right next to our sidewalk. I'm scared to move it because it's blooming successfully and I would probably kill it. Babies I can grow but hens, chickens and hydrangeas...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I'm not writing my "Not Me Monday" post an hour before Monday is actually over...not me! I'm always punctual!!!

I would never willingly give in to Todd's request to oversleep on a Sunday missing church (again!) simply because we were out late celebrating our anniversary...that was not me!

And I would never go shopping for a cute dress for my anniversary date for hours on end, try on 87 dresses, finally make a decision and then come home unhappy with my purchase...nope, not me. I would also never then go back out and continue shopping, letting Todd put all the squirps to bed, buy two more dresses, a necklace and three pairs of shoes only to return them all the next day. That would be ridiculous and indecisive and a little crazy lady...definitely not me!

Finally, I wouldn't give this sweetie her first taste of dried pineapple and then get frustrated with her when she wouldn't smile with her mouth stuffed full of sweet goodness...nope, not me!

If you'd like to be brutally honest with yourself and your blog readers feel free to link up with MckMama on her blog week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lovin' for Eleven

Ah, where to start? There's so much I could share...13 years ago this August Todd and I met. Before I was a mommy I was a nanny and I went with my nanny "family" on vacation to Hilton Head. Todd was working there constructing the Cross Island Parkway and one night after he and his friends were done working they went to eat at the Huddle House. The same night after my nanny friend "T" and I had been out and about sampling the island night life we got the late night munchies and went to the same Huddle House. After our 2AM egg sandwiches were devoured "T" and I got an invitation to make-out on the beach dinner the next night. There's lots of details here that I could share but you would be reading until next week. I was a couple of weeks into the ripe old age of 19 and meeting my husband was probably the furthest thing from my mind...I'm thinking my aspirations for the vacay were working on my tan and hanging out with small children. "T" went back home with her nanny family after a couple of days and Todd and I hung out a few more times while I was there but I don't think either of us took it all that seriously. I've been known to say that those couple of weeks would look like a really short, tame teen Summer romance novel. And then I went home.

In October that year Todd tracked down my number and called and invited me to be his date for his brother's wedding. It's hard for me to remember exactly how all this felt but surprised probably covers it. He didn't seem all that creepy to me so I went. I remember thinking that he was extremely chivalrous and very respectful towards his parents. We had a fun time and because we had relatively similar family lives and expectations it wasn't painfully uncomfortable to spend the weekend with some random guys family. And then I went home.

Still, I wasn't thinking marriage or long-term. The next several months were spent chatting on the phone and it was pretty sporadic. Lot's of times if I would call Todd would be sleeping or working and I honestly didn't think he was all that interested. Fast forward to April and "T" and I are on our way back to the island for Spring Break. We dug the free accommodations on our nanny sized budgets and had a great time! "T" and Todd's roommate Rob didn't end up being destined for love but Todd and I took advantage of the opportunity to make out get to know each other better. I mean at this point we lived 700 miles apart so we needed to figure out if "we" were worth pursuing. We agreed that "we" were worth it. And then I went home.

Being young and fearless and ready for a change, three months later (August 1997) I took a new nanny job and moved to Charlotte to be closer to Todd...about 500 miles closer. NOW I'm thinking long-term and marriage! Todd proposed in March 1998 while we staying at my parent's house for the wedding of great friends. Then we went home.

JULY 11, 1998!!!!

I adore this picture of Todd and my dad (1945-2002)!

Now I could spill all kinds of mush here about how blissful the past 11 years have been but you know that isn't the case. Marriage is hard work, it doesn't always look pretty and there are lots of days "bliss" isn't in the picture. What I can say is that after 11 years of being married to Todd...I would do it all over again, in a heartbeat. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life anywhere but right next to him. We have experienced far more hurt, happiness, heartache, joy, forgiveness, elation, love...births than we could have ever imagined and we are so thankful for God's protection and presence in our marriage. It wouldn't be the fabulous union it is if we didn't hold tightly to the belief that before our covenant with each other as husband and wife comes our covenant with God to be the husband and wife he desires us to be...

Happy 11Th anniversary rock!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Meeting House

I'm sitting here utterly exhausted but delighted that I've spent the past day and a half enjoying the company of dear friends (I love an incentive to do a bit of cleaning and catch up on the laundry). Last night we hosted our small group and this morning I had some girlfriends over for brunch. I've had no fewer than 25 bodies pass through my doors in the past day and I love it! However, that means that the camera has been sitting on the counter and not being used by this tired momma. No pics today...sorry. Saturday is our 11th anniversary so watch for a special post this's sure to have pictures!

And I just can't pass this up. Finley walked into my room the other morning when I was going through old pics. I was gazing at one of me as a toddler and he looked and said, "Oh, Asher (his two year old cousin) used to be a girl!". I told him that it wasn't a picture of Asher but of me, his mommy. Then he said, "Mommy, you were a girl before AND a womans!!!". It was his facial expression that makes this a treasure like he had just made the greatest discovery...his mommy used to be little just like him! I adore having little babies but getting to know my children as they grow and start to put the pieces of the world together is awesome! Love them!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday...

MckMama has a new "not me" Monday it!

OK, here it goes...

I have not put off all types of "camping" activities for the past 10 years due to my crazy, irrational utter disgust of mosquitoes only to finally give in and not see a one...not me! Insect bites are not a good reason to avoid outdoorsy fun and prevent small children from making family camp fire memories.

I would never embrace the idea of going low maintenance and not take my hair dryer and concealer on said camping trip...not me! I would also never then take pictures of my "unmade up" self and post them on my blog for the whole world to gawk at...who would do that, definitely not me!

And I would never be the kind of mom who would see her teething toddler tasting rocks and let her have at it. That's dangerous, unsanitary and messy. I would certainly not be more lenient because it was buying some quiet from the little girlie while we packed up. Who would...not me, absolutely not!

Lastly, I would never, ever, sort of let my husband think that I really wanted to help out last night by mowing the grass when I was truly relishing in the thought of an hour and a half of the non-whining, non-fighting rattle of the John Deere! That wouldn't be nice and I would never pretend to take one for the team with ulterior motives...nope, not me!

I do love to help Todd out by mowing and he did do all of the packing and then unloading last night so I honestly did want to pitch in but the break from the chaos was thoroughly enjoyable!

If you want to confess your Not Me! Monday stuff go link up here to join in the fun of being brutally honest and living to tell about it!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Ain't No Bugs on Me"

Todd and his helpers setting up camp.

Success! If you have to pitch a tent take your resident engineer along!!!

Our very first campfire! If you don't have an engineer maybe you could take Tucker...he loves to give advice!

I'm still not sure if he likes her...

Our first night enjoying the fire.

My sister Katie and her boyfriend, Kain...pretty sure they got more family "fun" than they bargained for!

Campbell appears to be enjoying her "me" sized chair with cup holder camping experience...

and might have discovered she has a thing for s'mores too!

Doesn't she look like the world's happiest dog here and yes, she loved canoeing?

Four of THE cutest unsuccessful fishermen ever!!!

This is our only family shot from the weekend. We forgot to get one when Katie was there and our camp "neighbor" seemed to be a "one shot is all you get" kind of lady. Oh well, we'll take it!!!

We really had a great time. It was not perfection but a lot of fun. Todd LOVED it and I love that he loved it and by the peaceful sound of sleepy heads in bed I'm pretty sure the kids would say they loved it too! I thought we did great for our first time. We did go canoeing/rafting with all the kids. Katie and Kain took Jackson, Tucker and Finley on a raft (clearly we could not have attempted this without them...thanks guys!!!!!) and Todd and I took Cooper, Campbell and the Roxie dog in a canoe. I'm sure it goes without saying that a three hour river ride with our bunch was not relaxing and in fact there was quite a bit of panting and stopping and a little bit of screaming there at the end. You know you can't possibly go 12 minutes on a river without stopping to pee, snack or drink or drink and pee or snack and pee or whine about needing to go pee or just pee. Memories...we made memories!

The campsite was super crowded because of the holiday weekend. This meant that there were too many people coming and going and large RV's moving to just let the boys run. They were wound up after a long cool and rainy week inside so they found it hard to be on their best behavior. This added just a teeny bit of stress (along with CK not being the greatest sleeper) but they didn't scare us off and we are sure to sign ourselves up for another squirpy camping adventure someday!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

nipples, soap and dogs in boats

It's been quite a week here and it's about to get a little more interesting. Jackson's therapy and extended school services have ended until August. He also just had his last baseball game. Campbell has started saying "I don't know!". Finley has finally stopped asking me every day if he has "school in the morning". And Tucker and Cooper had their first taste of Zest.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday morning and it was down hill from there. On the way to Jackson's school, Tucker and Cooper were shrieking and carrying on in the back seat. I heard the words "nipple" and "poop on mommy's head". Neither of those are really appropriate so I asked them to pipe down. This meant to them that they should start saying them louder and more frequently. I pulled off in a church parking lot (I knew I needed God on my side) and lovingly put a baby wipe in each of their mouths. Pampers if you're reading...they need more detergent on them. Let's just say they each ended up sitting on the toilet in my bathroom with a bar of soap in their mouth and then spent the afternoon laying in their beds. This all happened the day after we spent a night with our small group. And wouldn't you know that the topic of my calm nature came up. I assured my friends that I was in fact human and did quite frequently raise my voice to my in point girls. Please don't bring it up again because clearly the Lord heard about your misconceptions and I paid the price!!!

We are busy planning and packing for a weekend camping trip...our very first as a family. For Father's Day we gifted Todd with a ginormous (room for many squirps) tent and some assorted camping gear. I have no idea what I'm in for. Getting there prepared for eating, sleeping, fun and fun associated emergencies seems to be at least more than half the battle. Did I mention that we are bringing the dog? Did I mention we are taking the baby and dog canoeing?

It's going to be a few days until my next post...I hope everyone has fun (and stays safe) celebrating the 4th of July weekend! We are so blessed to live in this great country!
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