Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Can't Help Myself

A girl's gotta have accessories! As you can see our baby girl already has her ears pierced. Speaking of...the other day I came across a blog post about the cruelty of ear piercing. Let me tell you CK cried for about 10 seconds after she got them and then saw how adorable she looked and went on with her newly accessorized life. We have had ZERO issues with them. It's just not worth debating to me. Either you like it or you don't or you're up for it or you're not.

So my little ball throwing, car noise making, brother pushing princess has been putting those little linky rings on her wrists since infancy. I saw her with one on this morning as she was also attempting to adorn her ankle. Such a girl!!! Then she saw the camera and totally hammed it up. Well, I couldn't help here ya go...

1 comment:

  1. STOP IT!! Those are great shots. She looks like Tucker in the top one... :)


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