Saturday, June 6, 2009


FYI...I fixed the comment post capabilities!!!

Well, we survived the picture taking. Actually, they turned out great and all of the kiddos were relatively well behaved. I surprised Todd by getting some shots of myself with our team for Father's Day and although I'm often far too critical of myself in pictures, I think they're cute. All in all probably the least stressful professional picture taking session we've had so far. So if you prayed for us...thank you!!! Campbell thought posing was a little exhausting. She curled up on my lap and slept for a loooong time.

I guess I should be completely honest. I did bribe the boys with a trip to the movies if they behaved. Notice I didn't mention anything desperate like ice cream or video games or lunch somewhere with a play place...I would NEVER stoop that low! So last night after Todd was finished working outside (and after we had lunch at Chik-Fil-A, played our new portable video game, and had some ice cream dessert) we went to see UP in 3D. Thank goodness I didn't need to bribe them with a new baby sister! The boys loved the 3D effects and are now the proud owners of 3D glasses which they think need to be worn around town like sunglasses. They look hilarious but cute and they insisted on wearing them to the park today.

Here are a few more pictures from the park.

This Auntie might have had too much sun and fun with small children today...

Now all the little dears are napping. Refueling if you will for activities at Fun Depot tonight. Fun Depot is their Asheville tradition and they are now old enough to realize there's more to life than the soft play area. Tucker found a brochure from the fun spot and started asking questions about big boy things like laser tag. Go-karts are also on their wish list along with bumper cars and wall climbing. I'm off to find some coffee for this exciting adventure!!!

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