Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy, Crazy, Fun!!!

That describes this weekend...well, it pretty much sums up our life! There are few things in life that go EXACTLY as you plan them. My day to day activities are constant reminders of that fact.

Friday morning Jackson and I were up with the birds so we could head to Columbus. A little background...for several months Jack has been having some stomach issues (I will spare you the details as I'm sure you have zero desire to read them and I'm sure Jackson would not appreciate years down the road finding out that I have described them to the entire internet world) and they have gotten increasingly worse. He has come home from school doubled over and crying in pain. Literally, he hops up the steps into the house with a smile and then his little lip starts quivering and he breaks down. It's heartbreaking because he has fits and starts begging to go to the doctor, go to the hospital, etc. because he is in such pain from holding everything in all day. Jackson has had a multitude of blood tests, a CT scan, all of his bodily fluids harvested and inspected and we still don't know exactly what's going on. His little tummy gets VERY distended and all the CT scan showed was very EXCESSIVE gas. So the doctor in Cleveland ordered a "breath" test to rule out some weird bacterias. We got a call from Rainbow Babies that they are out-of-network for our insurance so we started looking elsewhere to have the test. Our peds office set up the "breath" test in Columbus. GREAT! So we arrived on time and ready to go only to have a pretty cranky nurse and no order for the procedure. Because Jack is not a patient there and they had zero background we had to answer lots of hard questions before they would start. Jackson has a pretty involved medical/developmental history but I was determined to tough it out because by this point I had invested a couple of hours in travel, weeks trying to get the test done and had asked my sister to not only be at my house very early in the morning but then left her with four squirrels to feed, bath, transport... They called our ped, got the scoop and managed to come up with an order to proceed. Now I had been told on the phone that this test would take a couple of hours...fine. Then she was explaining it to me and I found out it takes FOUR hours and by now we were an hour late getting started. Can you say AND poor Jack (who did not get a chocolate banana vivvano with a double shot for breakfast)! It gets better...they are going to do a hydrogen breath test to check for lactose intolerance. NOT the test for bacteria that we thought we were coming for and had been ordered by the first specialist in Cleveland. Lactose intolerance is certainly a possibility and the most likely diagnosis so I kept my mouth shut and went with it. Jackson spent four hours in near heaven online playing on the Thomas and Friends website. We did the test and now we wait. I have no idea what comes next. Which doc is going to call which nor when we will find out the results. Prayers, if nothing else, that Jackson will feel better SOON please!!! Yeah, that day didn't go as planned!

That night Todd and I went to a Willie Nelson concert and spent the night away from small children and all of their bodily functions. We had a blast! Todd went to see him when we were dating (some 12ish years ago) and became a fan. I have always wanted to take him again so I bought tickets for his Father's Day present. Did you know WN is 76 years old???? Here we are...

We came home Saturday and I dashed for a baby shower for the baby sister of one of my best friends. Fun times, lots of cute pink stuff and yummy food! Then I spent a few hours at a fundraiser. Then back out with friends. Blessed by church this morning, lunch on the grill, then naps! I haven't seen too much of my babies' sweet faces lately so I'm off to love on them!

Wait before I go. Todd and Finley were in the bathroom a couple of days ago and Finley asked him if his belly button was his pretzel (where do they come up with this stuff?). Ha!!! Now, I'm not sure what to think here because the other day when Cooper and I were in the bathroom (do you sense a trend...privacy is hard to come by at our house) he asked my why I didn't have a button but "just a hole". My button has been so distorted I have no recollection of what it used to look like but I think Coop thinks that if we're going to call them buttons, they should look like a button. Should I tell him now that life doesn't always go as planned?

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