Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's Your Name?

I've been away from the blog for a couple of days. Mostly by choice but it's been a pretty hectic week. I haven't been feeling all that great nor sleeping well, if you couldn't tell from my last post. I've also been working hard on reclaiming my house.

I was thrilled to give (dump) some of my baby things to my sister this afternoon. I love cleaning and giving away!!! She is part of a group going on a mission trip to Africa and they are having a garage sale this weekend to raise money. I have been holding on to some of that stuff (I have a thing for crib bedding) far too long! The dust bunnies and laundry have gotten a little out of control too...slowly I'm digging out. I know at any house if you skip a few days it piles up but with a household of seven skipping a few days means that now you have four or five loads to catch up on plus the two that all those stinky people made on the day you decide you're going to tackle it. That's only if you decide to catch up on the laundry on a day with no the Dr's appointment Campbell and I had this afternoon which revealed yet another ear infection. Poor baby girl, her fever hit 103. It's so sad when they feel miserable but I do enjoy the extra cuddling. Campbell has been far too busy for much cuddling lately. She is walking everywhere and now prefers it to crawling.

Part of the busyness this week has been that these two guys...

both had end of year programs at school. Unfortunately, I only have one cute picture to share. Most of them didn't turn out very well. Cooper's theme was "going green" and his favorite song was R E C Y C L E and Tucker made a fabulous letter "L" in the word blue. I was very proud of both of them. I think it was the first time either of them actually stood still, did the motions AND moved their mouths while on stage. Here's Coop in the electric car from his program:

Cooper and Tucker are the closest in age at our house. They are 16 months apart and wildly different but good buddies all the same. Jackson and Tucker are 21 months apart. Cooper and Finley are 21 months apart and Finley and Campbell are 26 months apart. We thought twice that we would have babies 18 months apart between Jackson and Tucker and then again between Finley and Campbell but both of those babies are in heaven. God had a different plan for our lives and those little souls but we find peace in that. Yes, that's pregnancies in almost exactly seven years...CRAZY people!!! It's just perfect though...we love it. Not that it doesn't have it's moments...

Come on, I did not just say..."Finley, Cooper, Finley, Tucker...what's your name...COOPER!!!" as he was spinning the recliner and I wanted him to stop! : )

I was just about to post when I saw that the sweet, sick baby girl who was moments ago playing blocks at my feet had done this...

love them, love them, love them!

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